Page 7 - macsabal 2018son
P. 7

To my knowledge there was only one freelance cera-       regardless of title or position the place was cleaned,
        mic artist living in Ankara, Hamiye Çolakoğlu whom I     repaired and painted and eventually it was tuned into
        invited to join the new faculty and start a department   a centre of attraction, and became a place of frequ-
        of ceramics. Convincing her was an ardous work. Fi-      ent visits from all other departments  on the campus.
        nally she gave in and  accepted the invitation. She im-  It was all thanks to the warm personality, talent and
        mediately activated her professional network to meet     ability of Professor Çolakoğlu. The utensils, ovens and
        the necessities of a new department which was going      materials needed were all donations provided by hea-
        to  be  established  from  scratch.  Her  next  effort  was   ds of relevant industries, friends and organisations as
        to form her academic staff. Topping the list with her,   a result of personal relations.
        I would like to commemorate late Professor Kaya Öz-      Before  admitting  our first students for the 1982-83
        sezgin, late Professor Sıtkı Erinç who were among the    academic year  we came together to decide our edu-
        founding academic staff of the Department of Cerami-     cation policies and plans for the future. First we had
        cs. May they rest in peace. The  last but not the least   to  define  the  role  of  art  in  man’s  life.  After  lengthy
        I would like to extend my personal thanks to Professor   debates we came up with the idea that art promotes
        Nazan Sönmez, and the first teaching assistants Yüksel   richness of experience, help develop personality, and
        Öcal, Berna Orhon and Banu all of whom are no lon-       sociability,  help  search  the  good  and  the  beautiful,
        ger with us. Of course, I cannot leave out the present   help  the  individual  become  open-minded,and  create
        academics who have untiringly been working for the       emotional  stability.  Therefore  we  had  designed  the
        further development of their department. I deeply ap-    programs to educate the students so as to  help them
        preciate their efforts and I would like to congratulate   become spiritually, emotionally and morally stable ar-
        them.  The Department is no longer seeking for aca-      tists with  independent and   rational minds to be able
        demic resources but it has become a resource in itself.  to  answer  the  needs  and  demands  of  their  country
                                                                 and get the necessary knowledge for a profession that
        Another important problem that needed to be solved       would make them satisfied, happy and content. There
        was creating the required space for the sudios and staff   fore the programs included  such topics  as aesthtics,
        rooms,  since the faculty had no building of its own and   history of western thought, sociology of art, philosop-
        there was no sign of hope to have one. In fact the new   hy of art, history of art, as well as studio work.  Howe-
        century had to be waited for the first building of the fa-  ver at this point I have to express my regrets at the
        culty. The only possibility offered was to discover unu-  removal of these courses from the teaching programs.
        sed spaces in the building of the Faculty of Letters. For   Despite this failing point, after having such a trying be-
        the Department of Ceramics the space available was       ginning , it has been a pleasure to see the thriving of
        an abondoned corridor with a few rooms. By the way       the department in the able hands of young academics.
        they were quite lucky when compared with, for examp-
        le the Department of Sculpture which was obliged to       In 1985 we started with a 3- yearly national conference
        use two landings of staircases. Which was to be the      on arts in general and published the papers presented,
        Department of Ceramics was covered with cobwebs,         thus starting a series of publications on art.  To have
        window panes were  broken, walls were moldy with         international ties we became a member of ECUME an
        humidity. However with the help of everyone,             organasation of art schools of the Mediterranean

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